Fancy painting the city?
Chapter 81
A giant public art project is giving people the opportunity to inject some colour into Leeds city centre this summer.
Summer of Colour is brought to the city by LeedsList and is a free interactive activity for all the family to enjoy.
It sees eight huge canvases popping up in key locations for people to embrace their creative side and paint Leeds by numbers.
Designed by Leeds Arts University student Janice Leung, the canvases come together to make up a giant piece of art depicting the Leeds cityscape, celebrating all that is great about the city with plenty of landmarks to spot. All that’s missing is a splash of colour – so people are being encouraged to pick up a paint pen, find the corresponding number and get colouring.
The canvases will be on display daily from Monday 21st-Friday 25th August between 11 am-2 pm at Leeds Corn Exchange, Merrion Centre, Trinity Leeds and Wellington Place. Each site will have different sections of the cityscape which on completion will be pieced back together and put on display at The Tetley for all to see.
In addition, crafty children can also enjoy the special arts station at the Corn Exchange where they can pick up their very own part of the canvas with a Summer of Colour postcard to colour in and take it home as keepsake.